Teachers across the nation are starting to demand the recognition they deserve. With a movement screaming for fair pay in West Virginia and echoing out as far as Arizona, it’s clear that all eyes are on the teachers. And rightly so. Teachers put in far more hours than your average 9-5 employee. They often wake before the sun comes up and leave work after it has gone down. Teachers are often responsible for the education, safety, and stability of dozens of children, teens, and young adults. They even work on the weekends to finish off grading, student reports, and other administrative duties. With pay so low, many teachers opt out of their Summers off to work a Summer job. It seems as though teachers are hard at it year round. Though, our understanding of this demanding profession is not new, it’s just taken a while for things to change systematically. In fact, there are thousands of people across the nation who appreciate teachers. Millions even. From fellow teachers to the students they have impacted, Americans for generations attribute their achievements from today to teacher. And these millions of Americans want to say “thanks.” And what better way to show this appreciation than with an award? The are literally hundreds of ways to say thanks in all 50 states, across the US, and even across the globe. A teacher wears so many hats, there are hundreds of reasons to say thanks as well. In addition to creating safe and nurturing environments, outstanding educators are experts in their field, remain up-to-date on the latest technologies, and find ways to reach all types of students. There are awards that recognize teachers who shine and are models to the community, teachers who are experts at teaching their subject, teachers who work with special needs students, and teachers who know how to give the gift of music and Art, teachers who advocate for diversity, and teachers who focus on environmental education. We surveyed some of the most famous teacher awards across the nation. We looked for awards that had some prestige and backing, as well as more down-home awards for teachers who may be overlooked. What we discovered is that this nation really does want to thank its teachers for their service. Take a look at over 200 awards available to teachers in all 50 states.
International Teacher Awards:
- Global Teacher Prize / Inspirational Teaching
- Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching / Sharing Best-Practice Teaching with the world
National Teacher Awards:
- Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching / Math and Science Education
- Milken Educator Awards / Excellence in Education
- Excellence in Theater Education / Theater
- EPA / Environmental Education
- National Association of Special Education Teachres / Special Education
- Outstanding Earth Science Teacher (OEST) / Earth Sciences
- National Council for Teacher of Excellence / English and Language Arts
- Shape America Teacher of the Year / Physical Education
- Arizona History Teacher of the Year / History
- Apple Distinguished Educator / Superlative Technology Use
- Fishman Prize / Outstaning Teaching
- NFHS Awards / Coaches, Officials, Speech Debate, Theater, Music Director
- National Association of Biology Teachers Awards / Biology
- Grammy in the Schools / Music Education
- READ 180 / Remedial Support
- Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching / Math and Science
Teacher Awards in Alabama:
- Innovation in General Education Award / Innovative and Effective Pedagogy
- Chiquita Marbury Technology Innovation Award / Technology Teachers and Leaders
- Alabama Leaders in Educational Technology / Technoloy
- Character At Heart / Demonstrates Positive Character/ Community Support
Teacher Awards in Alaska:
- BP Teachers of Excellence and Educational Allies Award / Dedicated Remarkable Teachers
- Shape Alaska / Health and Physical Education
- Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Excellence in Science Teaching / Science
Teacher Awards in Arizona:
- AZ Ed FoundationTeacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- AZTEA / Technology
- Diversity Award / For promoting, diversity, tolerence, and respect
Teacher Awards in Arkansas:
- Arkansas Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Little Rock Family Amazing Educators / Inspiring Teacher
- Arkansas Council of Teacher English and Language Arts / English and Language Arts
- Arkansans for Gifted and Talented Education / Gifted and Talented
Teacher Awards in California:
- California Teachers of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Association of California School Adminisrators / Leadership
- California League of Schools Educator of the Year / Outstaning Teaching
- California Art Education Association: Ruth Jansen Award / Visual Arts
Teacher Awards in Colorado:
- Colorado Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics / Math
- Jared Polis Foundation Teacher Recognition Award / Outstanding Teaching
- Colorado ACTE / Technology
Teacher Awards in Connecticut :
- Connecticut Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Theodore and Margaret Beard Excellence in Teaching Award / Outstaning Teaching
- Excellence in Education Awards / Outstanding Teaching
Teacher Awards in Delaware:
- Delaware State Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Delaware STEM Council Educator Awards / STEM Innovation and Excellence
- Delaware Art Education Association / Art Education
- PADESTA / String Teachers
Teacher Awards in Florida:
- Florida Teacher of the Year / Outstaning Teaching
- Teacher of Merit Award / History
- Florida Association for the Gifted (FLAG) / Gifted and Talented/ Creative
- Excellence in Education Awards / Outstaning Teaching
Teacher Awards in Georgia:
- Georgia Teacher of the Year / teacher of the Year
- Distinguished Educator of the Year / Holocaust Education
- STEM Georgia / STEM/ STEAM
- Conservation Teacher of the Year / Environmental Education
Teacher Awards in Hawaii:
- Hawaii State Teacher of the YEar / Teacher of the Year
- Locations Foundation Teacher Award Winners / Outstaning Teaching
- Hawaii Association of Language Teaching / Foreign Language
- Hawaii State Teacher Association Teaching Excellence Award / Teaching Excellence
Teacher Awards in Idaho:
- Idaho Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Nakamura and Teaching Excellence Award / Excellent Teaching
- The Pesky Award for Inspirational Learning / Inspirational Teaching
- Outstanding Teacher of the Humanities / Humanities
Teacher Awards in Kansas:
- Kansas Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Kansas Horizon Awards / First-year Teachers
- Kansas Master Teacher Award / Master Teachers
- Kansas Music Teachers Association / Music Education
Teacher Awards in Kentucky:
- Kentucky Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Outstanding Leader and Teacher Awards / Technology
- Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching / Math and Science
- Kentucky Council of Teachers of English / English and Language Arts
Teacher Awards in Louisiana:
- Louisiana Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Lafayette Education Foundation / Outstaning Teaching
- New Orleans Excellence in Teaching / Urban Education
- LASL School Librarian of the Year Award / Library Science
Teacher Awards in Maine:
- Maine Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Foreign Language Association of Maine / Foreign Language
Teacher Awards in Maryland :
- Maryland Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Maryland Outstanding Math Educator Awards / Mathematics
- Maryland Music Educators Association / Music Education
Teacher Awards in Massachusetts:
- Massachusetts Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Boston Educators of the Year / Urban Education
- S. Warren Farrell Award / Excellent Teaching
- Excellence in Energy and Environmental Education / Environmental Education
Teacher Awards in Michigan:
- Michigan Lottery Excellence in Education Program / Inspirational Teaching
- Michigan Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Leon A. Brunner Award / Educational Support Staff
- History Teacher of the Year / American History
- Michigan Reading Association / Literacy and Literature
Teacher Awards in Minnesota:
- Minnesota Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- MCEE / Economics Education
- Minnesota Independent School Forum / Private and Independent Education
- Minnesota Council on the Teaching of Languages and Cultures / World Language
Teacher Awards in Mississippi:
- Mississippi Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- STAR / Student Teacher
- Mississippi Art Education Association Awards / Art Education
- Mississippi Music Educators Association / Music Education
Teacher Awards in Missouri:
- Missouri Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Eisinger Teacher of the Year for JCPS / Teacher of the Year
- Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award / Urban Education
- Pioneers in Education Award / Distinguished Contributions to their Field
Teacher Awards in Montana :
- Montana Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Montana Rural Teacher of the Year / Rural Education
- Montana Traffic Education Association / Driver’s Education
- Montana Council for Exceptional Children / Special Education
Teacher Awards in Nebraska:
- Nebraska Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Nebraska District LCMS / Excellent Teaching
- Nebraska Agricultural Education / Agricultural Education
- Nebraska Academy of Sciences / Sciences
Teacher Awards in Nevada:
- Nevada Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Heart of Education Awards / Excellent Teaching
Teacher Awards in New Hampshire:
- New Hampshire Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- The Edies / Excellence in Education
- New Hampshire Environmental Educators / Environmental Education
- New Hampshire Society of Professional Engineers / STEM
Teacher Awards in New Jersey:
- New Jersey Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- New Jersey Council of Teachers of English / Language Arts
- Governor’s Awards in Arts Education / Arts Education
- Arts Educator of the Year / Arts Education
Teacher Awards in New Mexico:
- New Mexico Teacher of the Year / teacher of the Year
- Golden Apple Awards / Excellence in Education
- New Mexico Music Educators Association Awards / Music Education
- NM Ole Awards / Foreign Language
Teacher Awards in New York:
- Empire State Excellnce in Teaching Award / Excellence in Education
- New York Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Big Apple Awards / Excellence in Education
- New York State Dance Education Awards / Dance Education
Teacher Awards in North Carolina :
- North Carolina Environmental Quality / Earth Sciences
- Distinguished Teaching Award in STEM Education / STEM
- North Carolina Science Teachers Association / Science
- North Carolina English Teachers Association / English and Language Arts
Teacher Awards in North Dakota:
- North Dakota Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- North Dakota Music Educators Association / Music Education
- North Dakota String Teachers Association / String Teachers
- North Dakota Music Educators Association / Music Education
Teacher Awards in Ohio:
- Ohio Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Ohio Association for Career and Technical Education / Vocational/ Technical
- Martha Holden Jennings Foundation Awards / Science, Math, Team, Master Teacher
Teacher Awards in Oklahoma:
- Oklahoma Education Association Awards / Civil Rights
- Oklahoma Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
Teacher Awards in Oregon:
- Oregon Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Oregon Science Teacher Association Awards / Science Education
- Oregon Council of Teachers of English / English and Language Arts
- Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics / Mathematics
Teacher Awards in Pennsylvania:
- Pennsylvania Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Pennsylvania State Teacher of Modern Languages Association / Modern Languages
- Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators / Environmental Education
Teacher Awards in Rhode Island:
- Rhode Island Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Golden Apple Awards / Excellence in Education
- RIAEA / Art Education
Teacher Awards in South Carolina:
- South Carolina Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- SC Council for Teachers of Mathematics / Mathematics
- Linda S. Puntney Teacher Inspiration Award / Journalism
Teacher Awards in South Dakota:
- South Dakota Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- South Dakota Art Education Association / Art Education
- SD Presidential Awards / Excellence in Education
- SD Agricultural Heritage Museum / History
Teacher Awards in Tennessee :
- Tennessee Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Outstanding Educators Awards / Humanities
- Distinguished Educator Award Program / All Levels
- Tennessee Science Teacher Association / Science
Teacher Awards in Texas:
- Texas Teacher of the YEar / Teacher of the Year
- Texas History Awards / History
- Outstanding Education Awards / Humanities
- Texas Art Education Association / Arts Education
Teacher Awards in Utah:
- Utah State Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics / Mathematics
- Utah Society for Environmental Education / Environmental Education
- Excel Awards / Outstanding Teaching
Teacher Awards in Vermont:
- Vermont Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- VMEA Hall of Fame / Arts Education
- Angelo J. Dorata Award / Excellence in Education
- Shape Vermong / Physical Education
Teacher Awards in Virginia:
- Virginia Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Virginia Association of Science Teachers / Science
- Virginia Council on Economic Education / Economics Education
Teacher Awards in Washington State:
- Washington State / Teacher of the Year
- School of Excellence in Arts Educations Awards / Arts Education
- Washington Music Educators Association / Music Education
- WSSEF / Science/ Engineering
Teacher Awards in West Virginia:
- WV Foreign Language Teacher Association / Foreign Language
- West Virginia Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- West Virginia Teacher Achievement Awards / Excellence in Education
- West Virginia Music Teachers Association / Music Education
Teacher Awards in Wisconsin:
- Wisconsin Award for Excellence in Teaching Music / Music Education
- Wisconsin Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- AWSA / Principal
- Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English / English and Language Arts
Teacher Awards in Wyoming:
- Wyoming Teacher of the Year / Teacher of the Year
- Cheyenne Teacher Awards / Excellence in Education
- Arch Coal Teacher Achievement Awards / All Levels
- Wyoming Arts Council / Arts Education